Take Action
Please contact your Federal District Representative from the U.S. House of Representatives and your U.S. Senators by mail/e-mail or call them through the Congressional Switchboard at (202) 224-3121, and the operator will patch you through to them.
You can use this sample script:
My name is ___________, and I’m from _________. I want my Representative or Senator _________, to co-sponsor the Civilian Conservation Corps Act.
As a voter and citizen, I endorse and support the re-establishment of the U.S. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) as an all-public, sector-run program and national service that would be an investment for our young adult labor force in conserving our vast natural resource capital.
Those who serve would become stewards of our lands and waters and our future leaders. As a nation, we can set an example for others to follow suit regarding environmental conservation. With this, I request a written response from my Representative. Thank you.
Online Petitions:
“Congress pass the 21st Century CCC Act!”