APRIL 27, 2016
LULAC supports H.R. 1966, the 21st Century Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Whereas unemployment among the youth in the United States can range as high as 50% among Hispanics and Blacks, while it is currently 5% among all Americans, and
Whereas the CCC program was successful in the past in employing hundreds of thousands of young men and women, providing training, discipline, healthy outdoor activity, provided outlets, and travel for urban young people, and
Whereas the National Park Service has billions of dollars in projects requiring work but has no budget to get, the work done. We have an opportunity to employ some 300,000 unemployed Armed Forces veterans ( including Reserve members) and unemployed U.S. citizens in the construction, maintenance, and reforestation works. It is a wise investment in our valuable Human and Natural Resource Capital. There is an excellent fit for the proven CCC program to contribute to employing healthy but idle youth and accomplishing critical projects such as forest fire prevention, flood control, soil erosion, paths, and trail construction for our beloved National Park Service. Additionally, it provides opportunities for vocational and basic education, ant-drug education, and
Whereas our Hispanic population is growing fast, makes up over 20% of the population in many cities, has high unemployment, needs basic educational, language, and working skills,
Be it therefore resolved;
- that LULAC supports H.R. 1966 : The 21st Century Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Act, bi-partisan legislation and ample budget, authorizing the President to establish the modern CCC service
- that Hispanic youth be included to participate fully in work, vocational training, education, language classes, physical training, and other group activities
- that bi-lingual instructors and leaders be hired and fully reflect the percentage of participating Hispanic youth
League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC):
Voted and approved at the 2016 National LULAC Convention – July 16, 2016
Resolution in Support for U.S. House of Representative Bill H.R. 1966

Resolution passed at the 2007 Veterans for Peace Convention
PROPOSED BY: Jay Alexander of Tampa Bay VFP Chapter 119
Approved by the Board 8/16/07 Approved by the Annual Meeting 8/18/07
WHEREAS an updated CCC would be seen as an alternative to military service for single young adults; and
WHEREAS those who enroll would receive competent work supervision with superior safety training and a living wage. They would be provided after work with free classroom education that would enable them to enter the private and public sectors with confidence; and
WHEREAS the reactivated CCC could provide able manpower at the scene of man-made and natural disasters across America. They could render assistance to the American Red Cross to aid victims to help in the clean-up and rebuilding of infrastructure and repair damage to the environment; and
WHEREAS the updated CCC program would be under direct government control and not under any private contractor. Any government agency or private agency receiving federal funding for similar work would be dissolved and absorbed into the newly formed CCC agency to prevent overlap and fraud; and
WHEREAS the reactivated CCC would give veterans preference for leadership and supervisory positions within the agency and help alleviate the high unemployment among young adults; and
WHEREAS this popular program has the potential to save the planet with imagination as public works program to bring about short-term job training; therefore
BE IT RESOLVED that Veterans For Peace calls upon the President and Congress to reactivate and update the template of the Civilian Conservation Corps, a popular program of the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt.